Last night’s meeting, 9th of August, Annabel delivered her Icebreaker Speech, telling us about her mind-opening family holiday in Sapa, Vietnam and her delightful university life in Dunedin. Keith spoke about his supportive communication style and also introduced us to three other communication styles: analytical, initiating, and direct. Finally, Jafar demonstrated to us how body language can make or break our speeches, and taught us that power posing like Superman can help us feel empowered. (We’re definitely going to try that!)
Great job to our first-time Toastmaster of the Night, Michael, for running the meeting with epic enthusiasm. Some of our members also fulfilled their roles for the first time, including Rimma (General Evaluator), Dawood (Table Topics Master) and Will (Evaluator). Also, thanks to Clarence for keeping us on time, and to Hani for introducing us our word of the day: EPIC.
What a fantastic meeting tonight, thanks to our members and guests who came along. We look forward to our next meeting on the 23rd of August, which happens to be our Table Topics and Humorous Speech contests!