The Toast of Broadway team (as well as our guests) were lucky enough to listen to thought provoking speeches that covered a wide range of topics, from moving to a vegetarian diet, moving on a skateboard, to moving to Mars! Yuan did an amazing job running Table Topics for the first time, asking us some interesting and humorous topics. Both Rebecca & Sota shared their first evaluations, which were concise and contained good feedback. Congratulations everyone for expanding your skills and performing new roles!
Toastmaster for the evening Jon was a bit eager for a tea break, and almost forgot to introduce the evaluation segment for the evening, but luckily our members noticed and Jon quickly recovered.
Grammarian Danielle chose a fun word for word of the day: Malicious (adjective, – characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm). Whilst it was only used once during the meeting, Danielle managed to share her wonderful grammarian’s report without any malice.
Our next meeting will have our Annual business meeting, which includes the election for our club’s next committee. So that our members know the details of each role, we had the current club officers stand up and briefly explain their role to the club.
See you all at our next meeting on Monday 21st May for more wonderful speeches, as well as our elections.