Our recent meeting on 18th June was a very visual one! Both Damian and Jon were presenting their Competent Communicator speech number 8 – ‘Get comfortable with visual aids’. Jafar and Rishant were using descriptive and emotive language so that we could all imagine and feel exactly what they were talking about. Table topics master Reuben led a fun table topics session, with some thought provoking and somewhat tricky topics for our members and guests. Thanks to our guests for braving it and heading up to speak in front of us!
It was Tanya’s first time running a meeting being toastmaster for the evening, and she did a fantastic job. We were on time throughout the evening, and overall it was a very smooth meeting and everyone appeared to be enjoying themselves.
Katie was our Grammarian for the evening, and chose a great word of the day: Stoic (adjective – a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining). This was used by two of our members, and is a word that all of our members can use in future speeches and evaluations.
This was our last meeting of the Toastmaster year, so president Paul said his goodbyes to the club, and provided us all with some kisses…. of the chocolate variety. Thanks for a great year of being president Paul. We look forward to seeing what our new committee with bring this coming year.
The new committee is as follows:
President: Jon Holtslag
VP Educ: Danielle Pattenden
VP Membership: Pablo Hurford & Sarinah Hurford
VP Public Relations: Rishant Shankar
Secretary: Reuben van Dorsten
Treasurer: Tanya van der Vvyer
Sergeant-At-Arms: Jafar Rizvi
Thank you to our five guests and all of our members for attending our meeting on Monday. We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting on 2nd July 2018.