We’ve had our third meeting for 2018, and the Toast of Broadway family are back into the swing of things! Our newer members are having a lot of chances to grown their speaking and leadership skills, with Sota performing the role of Timer for the first time, Jafar running a very smooth meeting with his first time as Toastmaster, and a great first general evaluation from Michelle.
The four speakers we had covered a wide variety of topics, ranging from Auckland house prices and what can be done about them, to our president’s Toastmasters journey so far, to donating blood!
Tatiana gave us a great opportunity to work on our debating skills with her table topics theme of debates. She first picked out two members (or a guest if they were willing!), and then provided a topic to debate on for one to two minutes per speaker. The above image has one of our guests in mid-debate, whilst George is hard in thought working on counter points!